Who said "Low Rent Noel Coward"? From my reading at "To Hell With Books", London 23/02/2010. Photo courtesy of 
Larry Harrison - other Year Zero photos from the night 

"He resurfaces with a burgundy towelling robe, (brought with him from home, since this is not the class of hotel which runs to provisioning them for guests, though the guests would be of the class happily to purloin them)..."

"Until that is, you clad yourself in your burgundy fleece. Now our separateness is clear. Our demarcation evident against the hues of the sheet pointing up our contrast." 

Please feel free to leave me any comments about the novel or anything on this site. I am very good at 

Bests Marc
6/25/2010 11:01:12 pm

Hey Marc, really love the website - looks crisp and inviting, and packed full of interesting thoughts.

I enjoyed your article on character names a lot. I usually put quite a bit of thought into naming characters as well, and even if I don't make it apparent to the reader, I like to know why they're called what they are.

I'll be back in the future to read more.

Cheers for now, Kate


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